Weekly Weather and Crop Update
It was warm and dry last week and that allowed farmers to make great progress harvesting beans. There was only one rainfall event with 1.14 inches of rain and that was .49 inches above normal. However I had rain gauge reports around Faribault of 1.6 to 2.5 inches. The last rainfall was a couple weeks ago so even 2 inches of rain soaked into the soil quickly and by Tuesday afternoon I saw combines in the field again.
Temperatures for the week averaged 57.2 degrees and that was a whopping 6.9 degrees above normal. Soil temperatures at the 6 inch depth averaged 58 degrees and that's 4 degrees above normal. For areas of Minnesota where fall applications of anhydrous ammonia are an "acceptable practice" we need to wait for the soil temperature to drop below 50 degrees.
With the cooler temperatures this week we will begin to see the soil temperatures drop rather quickly. It was also nice to see the moisture levels of the corn drop about 7 percent last week too. That will mean a lot lees propane will be needed for corn drying! Plus it will really speed up the corn harvest not having to wait for the corn dryers!