Weekly Weather and Crop Update
It was another week of great weather for corn and soybean development last week. Temperatures averaged 70.9 degrees which was only .1 degree above normal. I am always happy and I suspect most farmers are with normal weather! Rainfall totaled 1.45 inches and that was .38 inches above normal. Growing degree units totaled 146 which was 5 percent above normal. Our grant total sine May 1 is now 1861.5 growing degree units and that id 6 percent above normal.
The corn is in the kernel filling stage and soybeans are in the R6 or full seed stage. I am hearing reports that soybean aphid populations are increasing but at this point very few fields have reached treatable threshold levels. Maybe this will be the fourth year in a row most soybean growers will not have to spray for soybean aphids? I have heard reports of a lot of corn root worms causing some issues in certain areas but for the most part it looks like we are heading into the home stretch of the growing season in great condition!