Weekly Weather and Crop Update
It was another great weak of weather for crop development again! I know it is hard to believe that a farmer was pleased with the weather. But in our area, about every week the entire growing season was about as good as you could wish for. Lets hope it continues right through the fall too! Temperatures last week averaged 67.4 degrees which was exactly normal. Rainfall totaled 2.53 inches which was well above the normal of 1.55 inches. If there was a month when we could take above normal rainfall it would be August.
Growing degree units last week totaled 120 which was just 3 percent below normal. The summer months of June, July and August averaged 1.8 degrees above normal. Growing degree units since May 1 are 6 percent above normal at 2289.5. Plus, because much of the corn was planted in April it accumulated an extra 50 to 75 growing degree units. Pretty much all the corn is at 1/4 to 1/2 milk line and moving toward maturity or black layer quickly!
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