Weekly Weather and Crop Update
The warmest weather of September was apparently reserved for the last week of the month. Temperatures averaged 62.2 degrees which was 5.9 degrees warmer than normal. September was the first month since May that was cooler than normal. Temperatures averaged 59.5 degrees which was 1.8 degrees below normal.
Growing degree units last week totaled 92 and that was 130 percent above normal. Since May 1 we have accumulated 2595.5 and that is 5 percent above normal. We may accumulate a few more growing degree units but he forecast sounds like the growing season may come to an end soon with frost possible later this week.
The climatologic growing season did end as it is May through September. The season was .3 degrees warmer than normal and rainfall totaled 24.3 inches which was 3.27 inches above normal. It sure would be nice to get some warm sunshine. In fact I think this is the first Weekly Weather and Crop Update I have a reason to complain about the weather!
We just need a few more nice days and even the full season beans will be ready for harvest. Some early beans have been harvested and I have been hearing about very good yields. There have been some farmers that have shifted to harvesting corn while they are waiting for the beans to dry.
ALSO: Here are 50 of your favorite retail chains that no longer exist.