Weekly Weather and Crop Update
The best way to describe last weeks weather would be cool and dry. Temperatures averaged 45.8 degrees which was a whopping 10.9 degrees below normal. It was no surprise growing degree units totaled only 28 and that was 58 percent below normal. Since May 1 we have accumulated 84.5 growing degree units or 25 percent below normal. Remember though because of the nice spring most of the corn was planted from April 20, 2020 to May 1, 2020 and accumulated 45 to 65 growing degree units before they began counting growing degree units.
Rainfall totaled only .23 inches which was .65 inches less than normal. It was actually nice to see a spring with less rainfall than normal. The last 2 years with frequent and heavy rains to was difficult to get the crop planted. In fact farmers in some areas were forced to file for Prevented Plant that was covered with their crop insurance. It sure was nice to see the rain this weekend as the topsoil was getting dry. This rain will activate and help the pre-emergence herbicides that were applied right after planting too. Now bring on the 80 degree sunshine!
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