Weekly Weather and Crop Update
We saw many days of cloudy conditions las week which resulted in temperatures averaging 2.5 degrees below normal at 68.6 degrees. Growing degree units totaled 131 for the week and that was 10 percent below normal. Since May 1 we have accumulated 1745.5 growing degree units which is 3 percent below normal. That means we are about 60 growing degree units or 4 or 5 days behind normal. However, much of the corn is much farther behind because it was not planted until mid or late May or even early June!
The wet pattern continued too last week as rainfall totaled 1.67 inches which was .6 inches above normal. Annual precipitation now totals 30.37 inches. That is 7 inches above normal and the growing season is far from over yet. In addition parts of southeastern Minnesota have received much more than at Waseca. So, we need lots of warm sunshine and about an inch of rain a week. High temperatures each day of about 85 degrees would be perfect.