Weekly Weather and Crop Update
The Weekly Weather and Crop Update from the Southern research and Outreach Center at Waseca confirmed what we knew, it was hot last week! Southern Minnesota saw record setting heat. Temperatures averaged 79.3 degrees, 16.8 degrees above normal. Temperatures exceeded 90 degrees six times last week. Record high temperatures were set on the 28th at 99 degrees and 101 degrees on the 29th .Last week was the first time we exceeded 100 degrees in 5 years.
Growing degree units totaled 177.5 which was 97 percent more than normal. Since May 1 we have accumulated 449 growing degree units. Normally we reach 449 growing degree units on June 8. Rainfall totaled .74 inches or .15 inches less than normal. However, much of our area has received multiple inches of rain that resulted in a lot of standing water in fields. There was also some hail damage.
Remember how concerned we were because a lot of corn was planted a week or 10 days later than we would have liked? Well, we compensated for that in one week! Corn grew last week like it was the middle of July rather than the end of May. Corn that was planted on May 25 emerged in only 5 days. Corn can catch up in a hurry when you receive 97 percent more growing degree units than normal!