Weekly Weather and Crop Update
The data from the Weekly Weather and Crop Update from the Southern Research and Outreach Center at Waseca reinforced what I new. The warm weather moved the corn and soybeans rapidly toward maturity. Temperatures averaged 56.9 degrees and that was 2.4 degrees above normal. With the cool cloudy August we needed September to be warmer than normal and that is what we got. September temperatures averaged 2.6 degrees above normal. Growing degree units for the week totaled 68.5. Our season total is now 2597 or 5 percent above normal.
Rainfall for the week totaled.91 inches only .09 inches above normal. We did get lucky because southwest and west central Minnesota received 2 to 4 inches of rain. At this time of the year it takes much longer for fields to dry out after a heavy rain. Corn moisture dropped 3 percent last week. Hybrids in the 95 to 100 day maturities planted by May 5th are at 20 to 25 percent moisture. Looking at the forecast it is supposed to be nice all next week. So, maybe next week we can get the beans harvested. By the time we are done with the beans the corn should be 20 percent moisture or maybe less. That will cut corn drying costs this year.