The Weekly Weather and Crop Update from the Southern research and Outreach Center at Waseca indicated the corn and soybean crops are nearing maturity. It helped to finally have warm weather. Temperatures averaged 66.5 degrees which was 5.7 degrees above normal. Growing Degree Units totaled 118 or 47 percent above normal. Since the first of May our grand total for the season is 2400.5 Growing Degree Units. Rainfall for the week totaled 1.31 inches or .49 inches above normal.

Corn hybrids in the 100 day relative maturity have now reached maturity or black layer. However, most of the corn in our area was planted about a week later because the first week of May was wet and cold. So, we need a few more warm days. With the forecast of 90 degrees Friday and 80's this weekend it appears we will get our corn to maturity. Most of the beans have reached maturity or are close too. When beans reach maturity it takes about another week of nice weather and they will be ready for harvest. Bring on the warm sunshine!


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