Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateWe experienced the coolest weather last week since the middle of May.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateThe temperatures were about perfect for crop development last week.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateIt was another good week for corn and soybean development.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateVery warm and wet pretty well describes last weeks weather.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateWarm, dry and windy pretty well sums up last weeks weather. Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateVery warm and a lot of growing degree units pretty well describe last weeks weather.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateWarm and wet pretty well summerizes last weeks weather.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateCool and dry pretty well describes last weeks weather.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdateWarm and dry pretty well describes last weeks weather.Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz
Weekly Weather and Crop UpdateWeekly Weather and Crop UpdatePlanting conditions were very good last week and a lot of corn and beans were planted!Jerry GroskreutzJerry Groskreutz