Mother Nature Will Take Care of Wasps Soon
This is the time of the year when you seem to notice more activity from those stinging insects like wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. I try and ignore them because if I get stung it is a trip to the Emergency Room for steroids to get the swelling to go down! Extension Educator in Rice and Steele County Claire LaCanne said if you can just leave those nests alone. A couple weeks after we get colder weather they will die anyway.
Wasps, hornets and yellow jackets are typically much more aggressive that bumble bees. Plus bees can only sting you one time. Wasps and the others can each sting you many times! It can get very painful very quickly so leave the nest alone if you can. If it is in a high traffic area and you plan on spraying with an insecticide do it late in the day or early in the morning when they are not as active.
If you have questions give Claire a call at the Rice or Steele County Extension office. Claire has a masters in entomology or call a professional exterminator. Many times it is better to let the professionals take care of a problem, they deal with it every day!