Minnesota PD Develops Community Partnership to End Thefts
John Sherwin, Faribualt Police Chief, announced last month his department received some catalytic converter marking kits from the Minnesota Department of Commerce Fraud Bureau.
On the KDHL AM Minnesota program he encouraged Faribault residents to stop by the lobby of the police department and pick up a free kit.
Chief Sheriwin said people would have to apply this markings by crawling under their vehicle which was a barrier for many people, particularly the elderly.
In a News Release the Faribault Police Chief said he was excited to announce a community partnership with Faribault Tire and Express Service.
The local business agreed to apply the marking on people's vehicles free of charge.
These kits include a label that etches a unique identification number onto a catalytic converty making the part traceable when registered.
Kits are available during regular office hours at the police department Records window, 25 Fourth St. NW, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Records staff will assist in registering your vehicle and kit online or through your smart phone.
You will need your vehicle's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), Minnesota license plate number, year, make and model of your vehicle to register your kit.
Sherwin says, "Minnesota has one of the highest rates of catalytic converter thefts in the nation." Scrap dealers often located out-of-state, pay top dollar for the precious metals found in them.
A marked converter is a good indicator the part may be stolen and can be traced if registered. This helps in the prosecution of offenders and acts as a deterrent in reducing the number of thefts.