Woolen Mill Book Author to be On KDHL and at Rice County Museum
Morristown artist and historian Jeff Jarvis had been scheduled to be on KDHL last Friday but it didn't work out for him so he graciously agreed to join us 9:30 this morning.
Jarvis has written a book entitled "Yarns" containing stories from the Faribault Woolen Mill. At one time it was Minnesota's oldest continuous business but was shut down for a few years before it re-opened.
Jarvis will be talking about his book at 9:30 this morning on our KDHL AM Minnesota program. He will also have a program at the Rice County Historical Society Museum tonight where he will sign copies of his book beginning at 6:00 p.m. Program begins 7:15 p.m.
I spoke with Jarvis the other day to set up his appearance on AM Minnesota and he marvels at how innovative the early settlers to this area were.
In "Yarns" he talks about stories from the Woolen Mill "oldtimers."
Jeff worked many years for the City of Faribault.

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