Rice County Fair Queen Contestants Needed
Rice County Fair Queen Contest Coordinator Kathy Cap stops by KDHL Thursday to talk about the upcoming contest. Cap says the queen will reign over the Rice County Fair July 17-22 and participate in parades and attend other coronations and events in the area. Application forms are available on the Rice County Fair website, www.ricecountyfair.net.
Contestants must be single and at least 16 years old but not more than 20 years old as of July 1, 2018. They must live within the boundaries of Rice County or if outside the boundaries they can enter if they are an active member of a Rice County 4H chapter. Cap says, "Candidates will be judged on their general appearance, speaking ability, personality, and their ability to meet people and share a good knowledge of the fair. Along with ideas to promote the Rice County Fair."
Judging will take place on Tuesday, July 10th with individual and group interviews, followed by a dinner at Bashers Bar and Grill in Faribault.
The 2018 Rice County Fair Queen will receive a diamond pendant donated by Chappuis Jewelers of Faribault. The queen and her attendants will also receive tiaras, sashes, charms/necklace, flower bouquets, trophies and wrist corsages sponsored by Frandson Bank of Dundas, Design Specialties, Community Resources Bank of Northfield, First United Bank, State Bank of Faribault, Reliance Bank of Faribault, Moose Lodge of Faribault, Women of the Moose and Star Trophy and Apparel of Faribault.
The royalty also receive an educational scholarship of $500 for the attendants and $1,000 for the queen from David and Lynne Gross of Faribault. The scholarship is named the Evelynn Pearl Bauernfeind Scholarship.
Miss Congeniality receives a sash, crown, trophy and charm/necklace and is selected by her peers.
More information can be obtained by phoning Kathy Cap at 507-334-8827.