Paradise Center for the Arts Faribault Starts Holly Days Sale
The Paradise Center for the Arts in downtown Faribault begins their Holly Days art sale today. Representatives will be guests on our KDHL AM Minnesota program 9:30 this morning to give us more details.
In addition to the art sale the Paradise Center for the Arts will be hosting their final Family Fun and Film Night of the year tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. Participants will be able to enjoy creative activities and a light dinner in the Paradise lobby and then see the 2004 movie The Polar Express.
Additionally you are invited to the final Acoustic Gallery of the year 7:00 p.m. Saturday, November 23, 2019. Performing will the group The Homes Fires, a new Americana duo from Minneapolis. The group includes critically acclaimed singer/songwriter duo of Sarah Morris and Vicky Emerson.
You can get your tickets at ParadiseCenterForTheArts.org or get more information about Paradise Center upcoming events.
At tonight's event there will also be a going away party for former Executive Director Kristin Twitchell.
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