Merlin Players Production “These Shining Lives” Details on KDHL
The Merlin Players Professional Theatre performs "These Shining Lives" beginning February 21, 2020. Performances are at the Paradise Center for the Arts in downtown Faribault.
It continues February 22, 27, 28, 29 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, February 23 at 2:00 p.m. The play is based on the book "Radium Girls." These young women worked in the radium Dial Watch Factory during the 1920's and 30's. Over 2,000 of them painted the faces on the glow in the dark watch faces for the pay of 8 cents a watch. That was good pay in those days.
They didn't know the pure radium they used was giving them radium poisoning. It took years to find the right doctor and a lawyer to fight for them against a corporate giant.
The play follows the story of Catherine who begins work in the factory in 1922. It recounts the story of her husband and children and the other women she works with during her fight for her life.
Playing Catherine is Amber Chesney of Owatonna. Her husband Tom is played by Caleb Wagner, a native of Medford. Other cast members include Northfield residents Elin Odegaard, Dean Lamp and Larry Tolle. Caroline Drenth and Kim Clausen of Faribault perform in the production along with Amber Holven.
Artistic Director Julianna Skluzacek says the play is, "A love story as these women fight to save the lives of others with whom they work. The public and the newspapers were not kind to these women. The company launched a campaign against the women saying they were lying."
Tickets available online at paradisecenterforthearts.org or you can call the box office at 507-332-7372. Box office is open Tuesday through Saturday Noon until 5:00 p.m. and Thursdays until 8:00 p.m.

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