It Appears A Warm Up Is On The Way To Minnesota, But It’s Still A Week Away
According to the National Weather Service in the Twin Cities, Mar-pril weather will continue with below-average temps through the majority of next week, but then the area is poised for a warm-up that appears like the proverbial 'corner' we need to turn to properly welcome Spring.
The National Weather Service seems to be teasing us with their comment "Wouldn't this be nice?"
This comes on a day where portions of Minnesota have seen snow showers and reduced visibility with winds that are gusting almost 50 miles an hour. But like the National Weather Service tweeted, we won't set any record cold temps today though.
So, does it make anyone feel better if we tell you that we won't be setting any record cold highs for today? 2020 will keep that record with highs of 30° at MSP, 28° at STC, 29° at EAU. Of course, we are ignoring the current wind chills... gotta find the bright side #mnwx #wiwx
Here's to hoping the current forecasting model is more correct than we often give it credit for, and we do indeed see some warmer seasonal temperatures.