Seven Ladies Competing for Rice County Fair Ambassador
The Rice County Fair changed their Queen Pageant this year to an Ambassador of the Fair program. No guys applied this year but they are encouraged to apply. Scholarship dollars are awarded to the three chosen individuals.
The Rice County Fair Ambassadors will be announced during a program opening night of the fair, Tuesday, July 16, 2019. These are the seven individuals hoping to make history this year and be among the first Rice County Fair Ambassadors. They are not listed in any particular order.
Kelsie Demars, 17 year old daughter of Kelly Demars and and Cassie Braun of Faribault. Kelsie will be a senior at Faribault High School this fall and is hoping to attend either the University of Minnesota or North Dakota State University to study marketing and sales. She is a youth coach at the Faribault Aquatics Center. In her free time she enjoys sports, water skiing, running and attending sporting events. Kelsie has been a part of many different groups including basketball, softball, trap shooting, link crew, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and DECA. One of her favorite memories of the Rice County Fair is participating in the kids pedal tractor pull and beating the boys for first place three years in a row. Kelsie's sponsor is the Faribault Moose Lodge.
Vicky Erickson is the 20 year old daughter of JoAnn and Joel Erickson of New Market. Vicky graduated from New Prague Senior High in 2017 and attends Normandale Community College studying theater. Vicky was a member of Rice County 4-H for 7 years and has held many different leadership roles at her club, county and event state level. Vicky has also been involved with Girl Scouts, Science Fair, Student Council and Youth in Government. In her free time she enjoys hiking, drawing, painting, fishing, yard work, and learning new things. One of her favorite memories of the Rice County Fair is associated with working in the 4-H Food Stand and Malt Stand with all her 4-H friends. Vicky's sponsor is Something for All in Lonsdale.
Abby Hohrrman is the 17 year old daughter of Christina and the late Brad Hohrman of Northfield. Abby will be a senior this fall at Northfield High School and hopes to pursue a career working with either kids or animals. Abby works as a dietary aid at the Northfield Retirement Center and is a cashier at Elko Speedway. Abby has been a active 4-H member since she was 5 years old and has held many different leadership roles. In addition to 4-H she has been a member of Randolph FFA for three years and was on her high school cheer team for two years. One of Abby's favorite memories of the Rice County Fair is helping her Grandma in the Children's Barnyard and showing her animals. Abby's sponsor is Kreft's Twin Oaks Rabbitry of Faribault.
Jenny Flom, 16 year old daughter of Lori Koester of Northfield. Jenny graduates from Northfield High School in 2021 and plans to attend college to pursue a degree in nursing. Jenny is involved with many groups including 4-H, her church, creations care, and tennis. In her free time she enjoys listening to music, spending time with family at the lake, walking her dog, and swimming with friends. During the fair Jenny enjoys showing her rabbits, working the 4-H Food Stand, and running ride to ride with friends. Jenny's sponsor is Compeer Financial.
Kaia Quimby, 17 year old daughter of Steve and Lisa Quimby of Faribault. Kaia will be a senior this fall at Faribault High School and plans to study elementary education in college. Kaia is a registered care.com babysitter and loves working with kids. Kaia has been involved with many different organizations including Infants Remembered in Silence, Big Brothers Big Sisters, peer tutoring, high school cheer team. In her free time she enjoys working with animals, dancing, camping, and spending time at the lake. Kaia's favorite event at the fair is the talent show which happens the final day of the fair, Sunday morning. Kaia's sponsor is Studio of Stars in Faribault.
Sarah Schaeffer is the 18 year old daughter of Ron and Tammy Schaeffer of Faribault. Sarah graduated from Faribault High School this year and plans to attend Hamline University in the fall to study Anthropology. Sarah has participated in many different organizations including, Club Soccer, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Orchestra and many more. In her free time she enjoys reading, playing the violin, studying history, painting and photography. One of her favorite parts of the fair is getting to see all the animals. Sarah hopes to see the fair continue to grow while still maintaining the small town feel it currently has. Sarah's sponsor is www.CBDwithTammy.com.
Ella Schmidt is the 17 year old daughter of Stephen and Kendra Schmidt of Nerstrand. Ella will be a senior this fall at Northfield High School and plans to study chemistry and human sciences in college. Ella is a host at the Tavern in Northfield. In her free time she enjoys hanging out with friends, traveling with her family, reading, knitting, drawing or painting. Some activities she has been involved with include Student Council, Mayor's Youth Council, Choir and DECA. One of Ella's favorite memories of the fair is the first time she got a hand squeezed lemonade from the giant lemon stand. Ella's sponsor is Prairie Creek Acres.
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