Rice County Click It or Ticket Reminder
Rice County Public Health and Rice County Safe Roads Coalition reminds everyone about the current Click It or Ticket campaign which runs through the end of September. A News Release was issued by Rice County Public Health outlining some specific information. It reads in part:
Driving in Greater Minnesota can be a welcome contrast to metro driving. What isn’t different is the need to buckle up and ensure children are in the correct car seat!
The statewide Click It or Ticket campaign is being held September 18th –September 30th to enforce the life-saving seat belt law and to remind motorists to drive smart.
Most Minnesotans make the decision to buckle up, but in 2019, 73 unbelted motorists lost their lives on Minnesota roads.
Rice County Public Health and Rice County Safe Roads Coalition would like to remind everyone that Minnesota law states that drivers and passengers in all seating positions must wear seat belts or be in the correct child restraint.
Parents need to take the time to make sure their child is properly restrained and that they are using the correct car seat or booster seat for their child’s size and age.
“We are asking parents to take the time to review the recommendations so car seats and boosters are properly installed, so they are using the correct restraint for their child, and to be a good role model for their child and buckle-up. We want everyone riding in vehicles to be as safe as possible,” says Deb Purfeerst, Director of Rice County Public Health.
Minnesota Child Care Seat Law and Steps:
In Minnesota, all children must be in a child restraint until they are 4 feet 9 inches tall, or at least age 8, whichever comes first.
Rear-facing seats - All infants and toddlers should ride in a rear-facing car seat until they have reached the height and weight limits allowed by the car seat manufacturer.
Forward-facing seats with harness - Toddlers and preschoolers who have reached the height and weight limits of the rear-facing car seat should use a forward-facing seat with harness until they reach the weight limit of the harness allowed by the car seat manufacturer.
Booster seats - School-age children who have reached the height and weight limits of the forward-facing seat can sit on a booster seat. It must be used with a lap and shoulder belt.
Seat belts - Children 8 years old or have reached 4 feet 9 inches tall can buckle up with seat belts. Your child is ready for an adult seat belt when they can sit with their back against the vehicle seat, knees bent comfortably and completely over the vehicle seat edge without slouching, and feet touching the floor.
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to visit the Minnesota Department of Public Safety website buckleupkids.mn.gov for child passenger safety tips and car seat installation videos.
Rice County Public Health has a limited supply of car seats available for families who lack financial resources to purchase a car seat, and certified car seat technicians on staff to help answer questions.
Call Rice County Public Health - Lyndsey Reece, Health Educator for more information or questions at 507-333-3818.
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