[Listen] Farm Safety the Topic on AM Minnesota
This is National Farm Safety and Health Week. It is a week set aside just before the busy harvest season to draw attention to farm safety. Now is a good time to check everything over just before harvest. Emily Krekelbeg is the Farm Safety and Health Specialist with the University of Minnesota Extension Service. Emily was one of my guests on AM Minnesota along with extension educator in Rice and Steele County Claire LaCanne. Special thank you to Claire for organizing the AM Minnesota talking about farm safety.
Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations even though the equipment is designed to be much safer today than my Dad's or Grandfather's generations. While some things are safer other dangers have evolved. Today quite often we hear of grain bin entrapments. Back when I was growing up you never heard about farmers getting buried in grain. With today's huge bins and high capacity unloading systems it only takes a few seconds for someone to get buried. The grain is moving so fast it is like you are trapped in quick sand!
Click on the links above and listen Emily and Claire talk about Farm Safety.