[Listen] Gordy Ag Market Recap Pretty Good Action Friday
It seemed like corn and beans were kind of holding last week but just barely. There was really good export news for Corn as this was the second week in a row China bought a lot of corn from the United States instead of Brazil. Bean export sales have really tailed off but maybe there are not a lot of beans left to export?
There was a news report that a boat load of beans was being loaded in Brazil headed for the United States east coast. That was pretty much a non-event Friday which was surprising. I remember an announcement like that would take beans sharply lower, maybe even limit down.
The market seems to assume that the soybean and corn crop in Brazil will more than make up for the worst drought in modern times in Argentina. In addition the weather is turning dry in Brazil for their second crop of corn that was planted very late due to the delayed soybean harvest. Click on the link and listen to Gordy talk about the ag markets last week.