Minnesota DNR EagleCam Has Viewers from 189 Countries
On our Midday DNR Report today I visited with Lori Naumann, Project Manager for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources EagleCam. For the first time in two years there are eggs in the nest where the EagleCam is located.
Naumann told us the first egg arrived at 3:47 p.m. on February 6. The next egg came three days later and the final egg on February 25. Incubation lasts about 35 days and the countdown begins with the laying of the last egg.
New this year is sound. A microphone was installed and it picks up everything. You can tell the nest is located near a busy highway because there is a lot of semi-truck noise.
The DNR EagleCam Project Manager says questions come from all over the world about the eagles. There have been visits from people in 189 different countries.
The pair nesting currently replaced the previous couple who laid no eggs the previous two years. Naumann says these eagles are lovebirds, "They seem to always be together." She adds they, "Show fondness for each other and share food commonly."
Naumann says once the chicks arrive, "They are darling and it's amazing how fast they grow." Watching the parents portion the food small enough for the tiny beaks is "amazing" and as they grow older the meals become bigger with full squirrels and rabbits brought back to the nest.
The Nongame Wildlife Program pays for this and depends on our donations to keep the camera going. You can check the box on your Minnesota Tax Return to donate or go directly to the DNR website to donate.
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