Minnesota Brewery Releases Kolacky Inspired Beer Before Annual Town Festival
The kolackies are coming, the kolackies are coming! Montgomery's Kolacky Days will be celebrated Friday, July 23rd through Sunday, July 25th at Memorial Park and some surrounding locations in Montgomery during the weekend. On top of the live music, food stands, and of course, kolackies. There will also be something new for people to try. Montgomery Brewing Company announced a new beer that will be limited in its release just in time for the celebration. The 'K Days' Blonde Ale with Apricot is kolacky inspired.
Montgomery Brewing Company made the announcement yesterday on social media, indicating that only 500 labels were being printed for the 87th annual Kolacky Day's celebration.
The post from Montgomery Brewing Company states:
The 87th annual Kolacky Days hosted by our City of Montgomery, Minnesota is only a week away! We’re excited to celebrate with the release of K Days - Apricot Blonde Ale. For the local collectors, 500 labels will be printed. Na zdravi! (Cheers!)
In addition to the inspired beer from hometown Montgomery Brewing Company, Kolacky Days will also have plenty to offer those coming to town for the weekend celebration. Reality TV Show 'Clipped' winner and Montgomery-Lonsdale graduate Megan Petricka will be on hand for meet and greets, a kids pedal pull is scheduled for Saturday, and of course, what would the weekend be without the kolacky eating contest? Fun fact, it's been 5 years since a Montgomery resident has claimed the title of Kolacky King, Belle Plaine has earned that honor recently.
So if you are looking for something a little different to do next weekend, stop on out to Montgomery, grab a beer pitcher coozy, and soak up the good times, and of course the kolackies.
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