It seems there is some confusion about who was really shoveling snow in front of the studio a couple years ago. Bernie on our sales staff was convinced it was me working and took the video to prove it. I will admit I do not really work around the studio. I still get up at about 3:15 in the morning, but you cannot call sitting in a studio work compared to being a dairy farmer.

However, I think I can convince you that it is me in the video shoveling snow, even though Kelly pointed out that you cannot see my face! How many people do you know, that would shovel all that snow with no cap, no gloves, and in polyester double knit pants? Just to further illustrate my point, do you know anyone else that shovels snow in loafers, and not insulated boots? Why take the time to dress up when it only takes a few minutes?

See Kelly's post here.

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