Heritage Days to Scratch June Activities Announce Details Soon
The Heritage Days Committee held a Skype meeting Wednesday night and unanimously voted not to have their annual June activities. However after much discussion they decided to make a announcement Wednesday about some possible other events this summer.
Chances are the KDHL Medallion Hunt will not be held in June either.
With the COVID-19 pandemic causing anxiety for many local businesses the committee felt finding sponsors would be difficult. In addition the question was raised if people would even want to go where there are bigger crowds if it's allowed at that time.
The committee would really like to assist the community in moving forward from this historical event and did say Heritage Days would be held next year.
Rice County Fair Executive Secretary John Dvorak says they have not made a decision about the event yet but one would probably have to be made soon.
The Cannon Valley Fair in Cannon Falls, Goodhue County Fair in Zumbrota, Steele County Free Fair in Owatonna have not yet made decisions.
The Cannon Valley Fair begins July 1 and runs through the 4th. The Goodhue County Fair is August 11-15. The Steele County Free Fair (SCFF) is scheduled for August 18-23 with their theme Food, Fun and Friends a Plenty in 2020. In March the SCFF issued a statement saying they were, "moving ahead as planned." They added if any other decisions are made they will let the public know.
Dam Days in Morristown, Bullhead Days in Waterville have pulled the plug on their community festivals.
Last week Kenyon Mayor Doug Henke said his community hoped to be able to host Rose Fest August 21-23.
If you have a community celebration still happening or have decided to cancel please let us know so we can pass the word.