Faribault Boy Scout Troop 306 Trade Up Sale
The Faribault Boy Scouts of America Troop 306 will be hosting a Trade Up Sale for your no longer needed or wanted outdoor stuff. It could be camping, sports, and other outdoor gear that has been cluttering up your garage. The Faribault Boy Scouts Troop 306 need some newer and better equipment. They will either use your donated gear or sell it and use the proceeds from the sale to buy what they need.
If you can, please drop off your donations to 303 Central Ave N Faribault, March 31st and April 1st from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. If you cannot drop it off contact Kevin Voracek and they can arrange to come and pick it up. Then on April 21st and 22nd come back and see if there is any gear you might need for the summer season. The times are the same 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Faribault Boy Scouts Troop 306 appreciate your donations and shopping!
In addition the Boy Scouts Troop 306 in Faribault will be turning 100 years old in 2028. They are planning a big anniversary party! So, if you were a member of Troop 306 or know past members please contact Kevin at: bsatroop9306@gmail.com.