Faribault and Lonsdale to Have Morale Boosting Parades
Rice County Social Services Mental Health Professional Eric Lundin was the guest on today's KDHL AM Minnesota Program. Lundin has joined us for a number of years to promote Mental Health Month, which is in May. Each year the County Mental Health Coalition sponsors a walk to promote the observation.
This year with the current COVID-19 pandemic a parade is being held in Lonsdale and in Faribault. The Lonsdale parade will be 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, 2020 with a rain date of May 5.
The Faribault parade begins 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. There are many partners in this effort including the Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, Faribault Youth Investment, Faribault Public Schools, Bethlehem Academy, Rice County Social Services, Faribault Police and Fire Departments.
Lundin told KDHL the idea is to boost morale throughout the community by having people travel in vehicles throughout the community. They would like people traveling to a location along the parade route to stay inside their vehicle and maybe honk their horn as the parade comes by or if the parade comes by your home or business you step onto your yard and cheer while remembering social distancing.

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