Rice County Salvation Army Bell Ringers ‘Woefully Short’
Next Sunday is Christmas. The Rice County Salvation Army Unit says they are "woefully short" of filling their bell ringing slots for the week.
Jim Dale and Mel Sanborn were guests on today's (December 13, 2022) KDHL AM Minnesota Program.
Sanborn was in the KDHL Studio while Dale joined us from his home in Northfield to give details about the situation.
Sanborn says thanks to a few local churches taking entire days they have been able to fill a lot of time slots but there are still scores available.
Dale adds churches in Northfield have not been been signing up.
A check of church listings has 31 listed in Faribault, 25 in Northfield.
Both men are baffled volunteers are hard to find specifically for the Hy-Vee Faribault location where ringers are in the entry, out of the weather elements.
Dale also revealed one of the organization's little desk kettles was stolen from a location in Northfield where 31 of the miniatures were placed in stores to help supplement the larger kettles.
Lonsdale has only a few openings remaining.
The Rice County Salvation Army Unit is hoping to raise $100,000 this year because they believe the need is much greater for their services.
Last year approximately $70,000 were raised.
Both men say unattended kettles will not happen.
Locations where the kettles are include WalMart, HyVee, Fareway in Faribault, Cub Foods, Family Fare in Northfield and Mackenthuns, Lonsdale.
The best way to sign up is to go to RegisterToRing.com. If you are not able to sign up that way Mel Sanborn's phone number is 507-400-4520 in Faribault. Jim Dale in Northfield is available at 715-733-0575. Wayne Bakke in Lonsdale phone number is 507-744-4409.
You can check out what they have to say by clicking play below
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