DieselSellerz Truck at Farmfest
If you are planning on attending Farmfest today or Thursday, you must stop by the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council's tent. On display is the biggest pickup I have ever seen! The guys from Discovery Channel's DieselSellerz custom-made the giant pickup that is on display. Plus, this afternoon from 1-3, the guys from Discovery Channel's hit show DieselSellerz will be in the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council's tent.
The Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council has partnered with DieselSellerz to educate and promote biodiesel. The DieselSellerz MEGA RAMRUNNER is 8-1/2 feet tall and 8 feet wide. It has a third door extended cab, three sunroofs and seating for six! The guys from DieselSellerz have also produced a video about the benefits of using higher blends of biodiesel and pointing out some of the misconceptions and myths about biodiesel. If you are not going to be at Farmfest, check out the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council's website for more information on the partnership with DieselSellerz!