We hear all the time about 'going green' to reduce waste. Think back to the Three R's you were probably taught in school, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The City of Faribault according to an eenews.net story is looking at becoming a little greener after being apart of a study conducted by Xcel Energy that looked "at least nine cities to determine if switching to plug-in vehicles could save money." 

In the article, Faribault's City Planner David Wanberg stated that the details of the study showed that "the city could replace a half-dozen" city vehicles with electric vehicles and save somewhere in the realm of "$30,000 over the vehicles' lives." The article went on to state that "the city" is "looking at adding at least one and maybe two EVs to its fleet by the end of the year."

I reached out to the City Planner by email asking about the possible cost of the vehicle/s, and what vehicle/s would be replaced and in what department. I'll update this with his response if I hear back.

There are hard costs of purchasing an electric vehicle, which includes a charging station. Those stations can run anywhere from $500 to $150,000+, time is another consideration of cost, as using a normal 120V outlet it would take 1080 minutes* charging to drive 100 miles. (Page 9 of this study)

Minnesota pollution and control states that in 2017 the Minnesota Department of Administration added 22-all electric vehicles to its fleet.

If you are looking at an electric vehicle, pluginconnect.com updates its list of midwest available electric vehicles and prices every month.


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