The Scariest Place In Minnesota Haunted By Gangsters and a Madam

The scariest place in Minnesota used to be Forepaugh's Restaurant, but it closed down, so a hunt was on for a new Scariest Place in Minnesota, and Thrillist found it!
The #1 Scariest Place in Minnesota is Wabasha Street Caves! Never heard of it? Get in line. It's in a former speakeasy in St. Paul with, according to those people in the know about ghosts, customers that have never left.
Visit St Paul says,
The Caves were transformed into a nightclub in 1933 called the 'Castle Royal'. Today, this event venue offers Historic Cave Tours that talk of mushrooms & mining, gangsters & ghosts.
It sounds like fun...especially when you hear the story of the three gangers murdered before they could pay their bill. They're still seen in and around the customer areas, apparently unable to travel to the other side with the debt hanging over their heads.
Thrillist says a madam haunts the joint, too. And according to this video, the gangsters' bullet holes can still be found in the fireplace.
Check their website, WabashaStreetCaves.com to see what Halloween fun is planned and how to get there.
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