Check Out These Clips of KDHL from 1977, 1979, and 1987 [LISTEN]
I randomly came across this short video on YouTube and I thought this was so cool! It is a quick clip of KDHL from October of 1977. Then I did a little more research and found some more videos on YouTube from KDHL back in the day! One is from December 4th, 1979 and the other is a story that KARE 11 did about KDHL in 1987.
In this first clip I found, the one from October of 1977, it's hard to catch much from the recording, there is quite a bit of static along with music and people talking over lapping each other. The little bits that I can pick up are "KDHL" and "Mike Morrissey reporting." Check it out:
This next clip is from December 4th, 1979. The title of the YouTube video says it is the sign off for the day. Take a listen:
And the final clip that I found is actually a story that was done back in 1987, done by KARE 11, about KDHL. The reporter that did the story was Melissa Young.
How cool are these clips? If you picked up anything more of what they are saying in the first clip I shared, let us know because I am very curious. Or if you have other clips of KDHL that you have or that you find it would be cool to hear those, feel free to share them with us.