Advancing Ag Webinar, Smart Manure Management
The South West Research and Outreach Center at Lamberton will be sponsoring a webinar titled Smart Manure Management on March 24, 2021 at 11:00 am. Lamberton is quite a distance from our area but I am sure the basic principles of manure management will apply in southern Minnesota too. There is no charge to register for the webinar but you do need to pre-register so the link can be emailed to you. The diverse panel of researchers will "engage in a dialogue with one another and take questions." So participants are encouraged to have questions in mind and submit them!
Paulo Pagliari Associate Professor will lead the panel discussion. The panelists include: Glen Arnold, Associate Professor and Manure Nutrient Management Specialist at Ohio State University, Christine Brown, Field Crops Sustainability Specialist at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and Melissa Wilson, Assistant Professor and Manure Nutrient Management Specialist at the University of Minnesota.
You can pre-register for the webinar at: z.umn.edu/advancing-ag. The webinar will be recorded so if you cannot watch it live you can watch at a later time. Plus, certified crop advisors can self-apply for CEU's.
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