Terry Tuma To Be Added to Minnesota Fishing Museum Hall of Fame
Listeners tune in each week to KDHL for fishing tips from a trusted source, Terry Tuma, and now, Tuma is being honored by being inducted to the Minnesota Fishing Museum Hall of Fame.
During his long career, Terry has put on countless seminars and radio shows as well as appearing in columns and on TV and is also a member of the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame. In the more than 40 years that Terry has been in the industry giving seminars and connecting with listeners over the airwaves, he has seen many changes. "The equipment has definitely changed for the better and the anglers are more knowledgeable," he said. He also said that the tackle, rods and reels have improved and he commented on the use of technology and better boat designs that are available to today's anglers. He said that fishing remains popular and is growing rapidly.
He is a local guy, having grown up in Northfield and now living in the New Prague area, so I wanted to know what his favorite area lake was. Terry is not one to pick favorites and said, "I do not have a favorite lake, and I sincerely mean that. I fish several lakes and rivers depending on the specific species I am looking for. I enjoy fishing different lakes. Both ice fishing and open water."
I asked Terry what he felt were the biggest challenges in the industry and he said, "water quality is number one. Due to fertilizer runoff and other factors, water quality if the main concern." Following that he said that more people need to "catch and release. Take only what you want to eat, because the industry can not sustain people exceeding limits. We really need to practice catch and release."
Fishing enthusiasts are known for catching big fish, and even bigger stories, so I asked Terry what his favorite fishing story was. He said it was a true story and shared about a time he was "fishing on Lake Mille Lacs in the winter and caught a 12-pound walleye and released it."
Terry's advice was to "teach your kids to fish, take them outdoors. Society is changing so rapidly that we have to get back to the outdoors."
KDHL is one of the longest running stations to carry Terry's show and Terry said it's "amazing the feedback you get from listeners. Everyone has their radio on no matter where they're at, whether they're fishing, in the truck or working." Terry wanted to "thank all of the listeners for listening for so many years, and it's very rewarding when someone says I heard you on KDHL." Fishing: An Inside Look with Tackle Terry Tuma airs on KDHL Thursdays at 5:50PM and Saturday mornings at 6:20AM.