Here is another sign maybe things will be more normal this spring. The Rice County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is planning for their 2021 Native Plant Sale. In fact you can place your order between now and April 30, 2021. The native plant flats typically arrive around the middle of June. Just one native plant flat has 48 plants and 12 different species.

You can download and print an order form or, do it the really easy way and order your native plants on the Rice County SWCD website at: If you do not have access to a computer call the Rice County SWCD 507-332-5408 and they can send you an order form and you can mail it back.

This would be a great way to even in a small  way help create habitat for butterflies and bees. Be sure to check out any cost-share programs that are available especially for larger conservation products. You can also get more information on a rain garden to treat rainwater runoff. If you would like help designing or installing a native prairie or rain garden contact the Rice County SWCD staff!

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