The Rice County Government Services Building in Faribault is implementing a modification to their hours of operation beginning June 9th.

County Administrator Sara Folsted told Commissioners during today’s board meeting they want to close the building at Noon on Fridays from June 9 Through September 29 of this year as a temporary trial.

Hours would still be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays.

Fridays the Government Services Building wil be open 8:00 a.m. until Noon.

Commissioners also authorized the Environmental Services Department to advertise for bids for Solid Waste Facility office renovations.  Environmental Services Director Julie Runkel…

Parks and Facilities Director Matthew Verdick requested approval for an upgrade to the Landfill fire alarm system.

Commissioners also tabled until June 13th a Conditional Use Permit request by the Strickers for a dog kennel business in Cannon City Township.

Commissioners wanted Runkel to investigate requiring sound barriers to deal with noise issues some neighbors complained about.

Commissioner Jim Purfeerst pointed out the nearest neighbors wrote letters to the Planning Commission endorsing the kennel CUP request.

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