Larry Richie is bringing some bison bones he unearthed during the COVID pandemic to display at the Rice County Historical Society Museum during the fair July 21-25, 2021.

Susan Garwood, Rice County Historical Society (RCHS) Executive Director joined our KDHL AM Minnesota program Friday, July 9, 2021 to inform listeners about all the event they are doing on the east end of the fairgrounds.

Garwood revealed Richie will not only be bringing the ancient bison bones unearthed in Rice County but the digging machine he and some friends built to assist in locating the bones.

Garwood says some friends and the RCHS assisted in getting some of the bones carbon dated.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary gives this definition for carbon dating:

The determination of the age of old material (such as an archaeological or paleontological specimen) by means of the content of carbon 14.

Garwood also talked about a new display in the museum of farm implements from the 1852 to 1862 time frame.

A must see in my opinion is the Red Jackson display.  Jackson was a Faribault pilot who was the Charles Lindbergh of his time.  He set a number of world records at the time for continuous air flight.  Red sadly died in a plane crash at an air show in Miami.

There is a picture in the RCHS display showing him working on the engine of his plane while in flight.  It's amazing!

Red jackson, Faribault, Mn. Pilot . Photo by Gtordy Kosfeld
Red jackson, Faribault, Mn. Pilot . Photo by Gtordy Kosfeld

This is incredible.


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