Rice County Fair Preview on KDHL AM Minnesota
The 145th Annual Rice County Fair officially kicks off Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. with a flag raising ceremony on the grounds in Faribault. Fair Executive Secretary John Dvorak will stop by KDHL today to give us a preview of this week's fun and educational experiences you can partake in at the Rice County Fair. There is actually some activity on the fairgrounds today.
A 4-H Cat Show takes place on the Cannon Stage followed by a Pet Show at 4:00 p.m. A lot of judging took place even last week in preparation for this week's fair. For example open class foods and food preservation judging is 6:30 p.m. today in the Open Class Building.
Fair organizers are proud of the agricultural roots of Rice County and it shows with the number of barns on the fairgrounds. This year a new barn was erected on the historical east end of the fairgrounds next to a log cabin that was occupied for a number of years in Rice County.
We will get more details on AM Minnesota at 9:30 a.m. Remember if you can't tune in at that time the show is always uploaded to our www.kdhlradio.com website by mid-afternoon the day of the program and the best way to access the radio and website content is to download the FREE KDHL app on your favorite mobile device.
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