MSHSL State Clay Target Trap Shooting Championship is Friday
The Minnesota State High School League Clay Target Trap Shooting Championship is tomorrow at the Minneapolis Gun Club in Prior Lake. 40 teams have qualified including Owatonna, Red Wing, Albert Lea and John Marshall from the Big Nine.
Actually there are different conferences set up for trap. Also from the KDHL listening area are Tri-City United, United South Central, Jordan, New Prague, Prior Lake, Lakeville South, Alden-Conger.
Northfield Head Coach Pete Mergens told KDHL AM Minnesota listeners his team missed qualifying for state by two birds.
Also joining our broadcast in Northfield at the Professional Pride Realty office were senior captains Sam Miller and Matthew Riehm, sophmore Patrick Mergens and freshmen Ava Miller and Jayden Schulz.
All the student athletes are competitors in other sports and told us Trap Shooting has helped in their other sports. Most notably in the area of concentration.
So much of the sport is between the ears as they say, concentration and focus are the key.
You can listen to the program below:
Northfield was the last team to shoot Tuesday in Alexandria attempting to qualify for the MSHSL State Tournament. 7 Raiders have qualifyed for Nationals in Michigan in August.
Here are the team listings and their total score. Tiebreakers separate the rankings for tie scores.
- Badger-Greenbush-Middle River High School 486
- Roseau High School 486
- Prior Lake High School 485
- Red Wing High School 483
- New Prague High School 482
- Fairmont High School 482
- Bemidji High School 481
- Annandale High School 480
- Alexandria High School 480
- Foley High School 479
- Owatonna High School 478
- Blaine High School 478
- Hastings High School 478
- Jordan High School 477
- Park Rapids High School 477
- Delano HIgh School 477
- Thief River Falls High School 476
- St. Michael-Albertville High School 476
- Dassel-Cokato High School 475
- United South Central High School 475
- Forest Lake High School 475
- Benson High School 475
- Lakeville South High School 474
- Mayer Lutheran High School 473
- Proctor High School 473
- Detroit Lakes High School 472
- Mabel-Canton High School 472
- Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg High School 472
- Groves Academy 471
- Hibbing High School 471
- Wheaton High School 471
- Alden-Conger High School 471
- Pillager High School 470
- Hutchinson High School 469
- East Ridge High School 469
- Lakeview High School 469
- Albert Lea High School 469
- Underwood High School 468
- Tri-City United High School 468
- Rochester John Marshall High School 468
Individual High Gun results from Trap Championships in Alexandria. Listing of Top 30:
1. Gavin Burns Male Foley High School 99
2. Joshua Kiefer Male Owatonna High School 99
3. Parker Orvik Male Bemidji High School 99
4. Jonathan Worthen Male Prior Lake 99
5. Justin Kingery Male Prior Lake 98
5. Elias Kobienia Male Foley High School 98
7. Ezra Buck Male Owatonna High School 97
7. Kaiden Amundson Female Bemidji 97
7. Hunter Rowan Male Hastings High School 97
7. Wesley Brainard Male Prior Lake 97
10. Ethan Moravec Male Janesville-W-P 96
10. Brecken Meyers Male Bemidji 96
10. Alex Rau Male Prior Lake 96
10.Noah Woodward Male Hastings 96
10. Haley Evenson Female Foley High School 96
10. Sean Cameron Male Lakeville South 96
10. Sam Miller Male Northfield 96
16. Benjamin Nachreiner Male Lakeville South 95
16. Brock Mergen Male Lakeville South 95
16. Tom Beyer Male Prior Lake 95
16. Lily Krona Female Bemidji 95
16. Brennen Kieffer Male Hastings 95
16. Joey Brein Male Owatonna 95
16. Jake Courteau Male Prior Lake 95
16. David Eckstrom Male Prior Lake 95
16. Brock Mosher Male Hastings 95
16. Luke Nadeau Male Hastings 95
16. Matthrew Riehm Male Northfield 95
16. Hunter Olson Male Foley 95
16. Conor Hurley Male Prior Lake 95
16. Ian Wheatcraft Male Prior Lake 95
16. Andrew Pierskalla Male Albany 95
30.Jackson Rose Male Nicollet High School 94
30. Charlie Swanson Male Lakeville South 94
30. Tanner Thompson Male Prior Lake 94
30. Taylor Busho Female Owatonna 94
30. Matthew Rud Male Bemidji 94
30. Caleb Noreault Male Lakeville South 94
Check these names out.
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