Minnesota Man and His Dog Ride Cross-Country in Honor of His Mom
This was the first Mother's Day that Minnesota man, Will Tucker, spent without his mom.
Just one month ago, Will's mom contracted the flu and then passed away from a rare lung disease called Acute Interstitial Pneumonitis, or AIP.
Will decided he wanted to help raise awareness about this rare lung disease. So he hopped on his vintage Honda motorcycle, grabbed his retriever, Kenzie, and they were off to his hometown in Maryland!
His goal was to not only raise awareness but also raise money to donate to the American Lung Association. He stopped multiple places along the way.
Will and Kenzie have safely made it to Maryland. but they haven't quite reached their end goal. The end goal is to raise $15,000 and they are so close! Right now they have raised a little over $11,000. You can help them reach their goal by donating through this link.
Source: WCCO
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