Light of Hope Event is This Weekend
The Light of Hope Cancer Foundation of Faribault is having their first annual celebration this Saturday, September 30, 2023 at Central Park in Faribault.
The event will include music, food trucks and more.
Board members were on the KDHL AM Minnesota program recently to inform listeners about the event.
The event is from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 pm.
You can Rejoice with survivors, Remember those lost to cancer and Support those fighting the disease.
Luminary bags will circle Central Park. Organizers wanted them turned in by Tuesday, September 26, 2023 to the Faribault Chamber or State Bank of Faribault.
I'm guessing they would not turn any away. After all it is a fundraiser for the Light of Hope Cancer Foundation.
Ironically I will be in the Fargo-Moorhead area to broadcast Carleton football on POWER 96 Saturday.
My older sister lives in Fargo and was diagnosed with stage four liver cancer around last Easter.
So my older brother and I are going to spend the weekend and visit with her and her family.
Believe me I will be thinking of all of you doing a luminary walk around Central Park.
All the money stays local so Faribault area residents can benefit.
The Luminary color recommendations are:
Black ink for those who have passed.
Green ink for those you are Praying for still battling the disease.
Purple ink for those you are Rejoicing for surviving.
More details are available at www,