Kenyon Down Pine Island Up in COVID-19 Cases by City
The bi-monthly release of Goodhue County COVID-19 Cases by City information shows Pine Island with a jump over Kenyon in total cases. Cases per capita still rank Kenyon third in the county with Welch, Goodhue just ahead.
These are lab-confirmed positive cases for Goodhue County according to Goodhue County Public Health Services. Below is the breakdown.
- Red Wing 34%
- Cannon Falls 17%
- Zumbrota 11%
- Pine Island 9%
- Kenyon 8%
- Goodhue 7%
- Welch Township 5%
- Wanamingo, Lake City, Other communities 3%
Other communities include: Dennison, Bellechester, Mazeppa, Nerstrand, Frontenac.
A note on long-term care facilities and corrections according to the Goodhue County website. "Exposure is defined as a person diagnosed with COVID-19 who worked or lived at a facility while they were contagious. Facilities with less than 10 residents will not be listed publicly due to privacy."
Data for Lake City reflects only Goodhue County numbers. Lake City is in Wabasha County in addition to being in Goodhue County)
The cases by exposure graph shows 24% each for Community Known contact with a positive and Community no known contact with a positive case..
15% is travel, 12% Long-Term Care staff or resident and 12% unknown. 6% is community outbreak, 5% Health Care Staff and 2% Corrections either staff or inmate.
The total number of laboratory tests conducted to date in Goodhue County is 22,413 with a positive rate of 2.6%.
21% of the cases are people in their 20's, 15% in their 50's. 14% their 40's, 13% ages 10 to 19, 12% in their 60's. 5% in their 70's, 4% in their 80's. 3% under the age of 10. 2% in their 90's and 1% over the age of 100.
Goodhue County COVID-19 Cases as of October 22, 2020
Total positive cases: 542
Active cases: 87
Patients no longer in isolation: 444
Total cases needing hospitalization: 28
Total cases admitted to ICU: 9
Cases currently hospitalized: 3
Deaths: 11
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