USDA’s WHIP+ Signup Deadline October 30, 2020
The deadline for signing up for the USDA's Wildfire Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus (WHIP+) is Friday October 30, 2020. During the busy harvest season this may be missed by many farmers. The 2018 and 2019 crop years were not very profitable for most farmers. In fact, many farmers collected a payment from their crop insurance. If you collected a crop insurance payment it is quite likely you would qualify for a payment from the WHIP+ program too!
Payments under the USDA's WHIP+ program are based off of your actual yields and any crop insurance payments received in the crop years 2018 and or 2019. All you have to do is call your local Farm Service Agency office and tell them you want to sign up for the WHIP+ program. Then between the date local Farm Service Agency offices can access and your crop insurance agent they can fill out the application. This could be another revenue stream we did not anticipate that will help us get through the COVID-19 year!
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