H-V-L Sends Fifteen Section 1AA Wrestlers to State Finals
The Hiawatha Valley League did very well at the Super Section Tournament in Cannon Falls featuring 1AA and 4AA individuals. The host Bombers have two individuals going to the finals next weekend at St. Michael-Albertville High School.
The top two finishers in each weight class move on to take a shot at a state title next weekend. Cannon Falls results:
- 106 pounds, So. Gavin Peterson, 2nd
- 113 pounds, Fr. Calvin Singewald, 2nd
- 152 pounds, Jr. Preston Carlisle, 4th
- 195 pounds, Riley Keenan, 6th
Kasson-Mantorville will be representated by 5 wrestlers at the state individuals tournament next weekend. Here are the KoMets results:
- 106 pounds, Fr. Luke Swanson, 3rd
- 132 pounds, Fr. Dominic Mann, 3rd
- 145 pounds, Jr. Logan Vaughn, 2nd
- 160 pounds, So. Cole Glazier, 1st
- 170 poounds, Jr. Kail Wynia, 2nd
- 182 pounds, Jr. Bennett Berge, 1st
- 220 pounds, Jr. Anthony Moe-Tucker, 2nd
- 285 pounds, Jr. Reed Parrish, 3rd
Here are the other Hiawatha Valley League wrestlers placements at Super Sections:
- 113 pounds, Jr. Luke Williams of Pine Island, 4th
- 120 poundsm Jon Laures, Stewartville, 6th
- 126 pounds, Jr. Jacob Thompson, Byron, 2nd
- 132 pounds, Sr. Luke Skifton, Lake City, 2nd
- 138 pounds, Jr. Maxwell Petersen, Byron, 1st
- 145 pounds, Jr. Jonathan Harvey, Lake City, 1st
- 152 pounds, Sr. Joe Kozlowski, Lake City, 2nd
- 160 pounds, Dominic Goihl-Krier, Lake City, 6th
- 170 pounds, William Wharton, Lake City, 6th
- 182 pounds, Sr. Austin Freerkson, Byron, 2nd
- 195 pounds, Jr. Christian Sackett, Stewartville, 4th
- 285 pounds, Jr. Max Balow, Lake City, 2nd
- 285 pounds, Caden King, Stewartville, 6th
They did not actually wrestle for 5th place. That's why two wrestlers are listed in 6th place at each weight in Super Sections.
Here are the state qualifiers from each class:
106 pounds, 1st, Brandon Morvari, So. Simley, 2nd, Gavin Peterson, So. Cannon Falls
113 pounds, 1st, Peyton Spychalla, Jr. Simley, 2nd, Calvin Singewald, Fr. Cannon Falls
120 pounds, 1st, Reid Nelson, Sr. Simley, 2nd, Colton Zwiefel, Jr. St. Thomas Academy
126 pounds 1st, Cash Raymond, Fr. Simley, 2nd, Jacob Thompson, Jr. Byron
132 pounds, 1st, Kaiden Schrandt, So. Simley, 2nd. Luke Skifton, Sr. Lake City
138 pounds, 1st, Maxwell Peterson, Jr. Byron, 2nd, Chase DeBlaere, Jr. Simley
145 pounds, 1st, Jonathan Harvey, Jr. Lake City, 2nd, Logan Vaughan, Jr. K-M
152 pounds, 1st, Ryan Sokol, Sr. Simley, 2nd, Joe Kozlowski, Sr. Lake City
160 pounds, 1st, Cole Glazier, So. K-M, 2nd, Cael Berg, Sr. Simley
170 pounds, 1st, Travis Smith, So. Simley, 2nd Kail Wynia, Jr. K-M
182 pounds, 1st, Bennett Berge, Jr. K-M, 2nd, Austin Freerksen, Sr. Byron
195 pounds, 1st, Quayin Short, Sr. Simley, 2nd, Quinn Christoffersen, SSP
220 pounds, 1st, Gavin Nelson, So. Simley, 2nd, Anthony Moe-Tucker, Jr. K-M
285 pounds, 1st, Bennett Tabor, Sr. Simley, 2nd, Max Balow, Jr. Lake City
How many of these do you think were actually his original thoughts?