Harvest is Rapidly Approaching
The bean fields I have seen driving in our listening area are rapidly maturing. All the fields are turning yellow and many are dropping leaves. There are two fields though that are still very green but they were planted July 15 after the peas were harvested. I have a few acres of shorter season beans planted on May 2 that are brown and almost all the leaves are gone too. I am guessing 2 or 3 days of warm sunshine and I will be able to harvest them.
Many farmers plant a few early maturing beans to spread out the harvest window. It is nice getting started with harvest a little early to get the "kinks" fixed. It has happened to me many times. You think you have the combine, trucks, wagons and bins all ready. However, you never know for sure until you get the combine in the field and get the first wagon unloaded into the bin.
We sure hope the weather cooperates for a nice harvest. The last two falls were cold and wet. It was a very long drawn out harvest fighting cold temperatures and mud!