Faribault Police and Chamber Present Hope Center with Check
The Faribault Police Department and Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism today presented a check in the amount of $2,370 to the HOPE Center. The funds were raised during the month of October, designated nationally as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
The Chamber and Police Department raised funds in memory of mutual friend, Barb Larson, who was killed in an incident of domestic violence in December 2016. Faribault Police partnered with the Chamber to sell limited edition purple police patches for a $20 donation. Faribault officers wore the purple patch on their uniforms through the month to help raise awareness of domestic violence in the community.
Additional donations were collected from officers wishing to grow,
"Beards for Barb".
When I went to the Chamber to purchase my patch last month a woman stopped by to purchase her patch and told her story of growing up with domestic violence in her home. She said her father abused her mother regularly after drinking.
"It took a toll on me and my brother," she said, "I feel so blessed that I found a good man and had no issues of abuse.
In a news release announcing the gift Chief Andy Bohlen commented, "We are pleased to make this donation to the HOPE Center which provides important support to survivors of domestic violence. We appreciate everyone who donated for this cause."