Did You Know You Need a Kennel License if You Own More The 3 Animals in Faribault?

I had no idea that this was a rule in Faribault, did you? If you own more than three (3) animals, you are required to have a kennel license, according to a Faribault ordinance. I never even thought something like this would be a rule! And three seems like such a low number.
For reference, their definition of "Animal" in the Faribault Code of Ordinances is "dogs, cats, horses, birds, including fowl and poultry, or other domesticated birds or animals, which are harbored, fed or kept by any person or group of persons."
The exact wording from the Faribault Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Division 6, Sec. 6-36, Ord. No. 2009-20, § 1, 12-22-09, is, "A kennel license shall be required for owners of more than three (3) adult animals; an adult animal means an animal over six (6) months of age."
In Sec. 6-37 they explain when and where you can buy and pay for a kennel license. The exact wording from the ordinance is,
Kennel licenses issued under this division shall be due and payable by the last day of January in the year the license is due to expire. They may be purchased at the office of the city administrator. Kennels shall be regulated according to state statutes.
What do you think about this ordinance? Is three a low number to require a licenses like that? Chat with us and let us know!