Did you know it is illegal in Owatonna to do this…
We've all done it at one time before. Maybe you were involved in a charity or youth group, or you were in a service club looking to raise funds. But did you know in Owatonna it is illegal to go door-to-door soliciting goods without the proper permit?
If you are going door to door soliciting for your organization you will need to file the proper permit. There is no fee for the solicitation permit but there is a $100 fee for transient vendors. What is a transient vendor? Someone who is in and out of town without plans for future business.
Owatonna residents should be aware of the permitting rules and if you are concerned the individual should be able to produce the necessary permits.
What happens if you don't have a permit? It can be a misdemeanor offense, according to the State of Minnesota could cost you "a sentence of not more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $1,000, or both."