Century Farm Applications Due March 1, 2021
If your family has owned your farm for at least 100 years according to authentic land records you are invited to apply for the Century Farm designation sponsored by the Minnesota State Fair and Minnesota Farm Bureau. The farm must be at least 50 acres in size and have been in continuous family ownership for at least 100 years. The Century Farm program was begun i 1976 to promote agriculture and honor historic family farms in Minnesota. More than 10,500 farms have been honored since the program began.
Applications are available on the Minnesota State Fair website: mnstatefair.org/about-the-fair/awards-and-recgnition/. Century Farms will receive a certificate signed by Minnesota State Fair Board President Ron Oleheister, Governor Tim Walz and Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation President Kevin Paap, along with an outdoor sign signifying Century Farm status. In addition there will be a display at the Minnesota Farm Bureau exhibit during the 2021 Minnesota State Fair.
Another nice feature of the Century Farm Program is that most County Fairs have a program at their fair honoring the Century Farms in their Counties. In Rice County we have it during the Best of the Best Rice County Hall of Fame Program on Wednesday morning during the Rice County Fair.