Cannon River Task Force Named Minnesota Narcotics Task Force of the Year
The Cannon River Drug and Violent Offender Task Force (CRDVOTF) was recognized recently at the Minnesota State Association of Narcotics Investigators (MSANI) annual conference in Nisswa, Mn. as the Task Force of the Year. Recognition was May 23rd.
The Chief Law Enforcement Officer's and task force board members in Rice and LeSueur Counties nominated the team members for their, "outstanding contributions to narcotics enforcement over the past year." During the presentation, Minnesota Department of Public Safety Statewide Gang and Drug Coordinator Brian Marquart read the nomination letter to the 350 people in attendance.
The nomination highlighted many of the statistics the team had over the past year, and also mentioned areas where Agents went above and beyond their normal duties. The team was then presented a plaque from MSANI. Several chief law enforcement officers from Rice and LeSueur Counties were in attendance.
CRDVOTF members recognized included Agents, Josh Malecha, Scott O'Brien, Jeff Burbank, Jesse Cordova, Records Specialist/Secretary Carole Friesz and task force commanders Captain David Dillon and Sergeant Paul LaRoche.
Sheriff Troy Dunn commented, "This award is well deserved. This unit continues to exceed our expectations. Their hard work and willingness to keep working to find bigger sources has resulted in record breaking seizures and arrests. The citizens of Rice and LeSueur County are safer due to the great work that's been done by our task force."